Diligent and Persistent

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

It was a devastating moment—one of a series of events with crushing implications. It took place on this day in 1912, as thousands of men labored to complete the Panama Canal.

To many, the entire task of building this canal had seemed impossible. The obstacles were enormous. But, gradually, answers emerged. Solutions were found to the health issues (such as malaria attacks). Engineering and design obstacles had been overcome.

However, on that January day in 1912, a serious mud slide occurred, spilling the entire length of the Culebra Cut. In his book about the Panama Canal, historian David McCullough described how this was “one of the worst slides on record.” As a result, all traffic through the canal was blocked. Many months of work had been totally wiped out.

This was a moment of great discouragement. One of the engineers on the scene reacted with shock. He reached out to the project leader, Col. George Goethals, who was the third man sent by the Americans to lead the canal expedition. He was asked, “What are we to do now?”

Goethals calmly responded, “Dig it out again.” As this kind of determination was embraced, the problem caused by the mud slide was overcome, and the canal eventually was finished.

How easy it can be to give up. Life often is difficult, and it’s tempting to become discouraged. That’s why Believers are instructed to be diligent and persistent—to be faithful in every situation, no matter how things look on the surface. This requires that we ask God for wisdom and depend on the leading of His Spirit.

Do you face any challenges? Stay persistent and faithful. Continue to seek God, and trust Him for the answer you need. And don’t give up!