Faithless or Faithful?

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

God’s attitude toward His people was summarized in one word: “faithless.” It was a word here repeated over and over. They had turned away from Him. How did He want them to respond? Using a related Hebrew word, God simply wanted them to “return.”

God looked at this faithlessness with amazement and sadness. Like the actions of adultery and betrayal, they were turning their backs on the One who loved them. Yet He continually remained willing to take them back. To forgive. What did they need to do? “Return.” Even when they were faithless, God remained merciful and gracious. He promised that if they returned, He would welcome them back.

The fact is that any of us can be “faithless.” Even subtly we can drift away from His truths. Be seduced by popular opinions. Follow selfish desires. When this happens, we, too, need to “return.”

But this must be a sincere return! And to prove this sincerity, we need to recognize past mistakes and acknowledge that we have followed the wrong paths. To admit that we have disobeyed Him, and been disloyal. That we have embraced deceptive ideas.  But we also need to show genuine repentance by living according to His Word. Seeking to stay humble and genuinely desiring to please Him.

These same principles are true in your life. The Bible assures us that God longs for the opportunity to bless us. But, to receive His abundant blessing, we need to reject any kind of faithlessness. To commit to walk in His ways. To repent of sin. To be serious about obeying His Word. To be good stewards. To serve Him faithfully.