Countless Blessings

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Born in Ohio in 1862, Leila Morris was active in her church and camp meetings. She also wrote more than 1,000 Gospel songs, many of which were written while she was organist of the Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church in McConnelsville, Ohio. Today this church features a historical marker in her honor.

In 1908, she wrote a hymn that described the many blessings God had given her. In this hymn, called “Countless Blessings,” she described how her pathway had been “crowned and crowded with God’s blessings.” That she had been blessed with countless new things “from His bounty.” Although she had tried to count them, she concluded, “When I begin, I can only stop and marvel at the view.”

Leila Morris knew that the Bible describes God as having a storehouse (Malachi 3:10). She had experienced how “from His storehouse overflowing, like a king He gives.” And she testified that He had supplied her “every need” with His “lavish hand.”

Her hymn described the “untold mercies” she received from Him every day. And it noted how impossible it is for us “to comprehend His goodness.”

She was overwhelmed with gratitude for all God had done for her. But she didn’t keep these blessings to herself. She knew that, all around her, there were hearts broken by sin and sorrow. She promised to “pass my blessings on to cheer their way.”

Leila was confident that God’s blessings would flow through her life without end: “With my way to Him committed, nothing shall I lack for I have the Blesser with me all the time.”

Over and over, she repeated the refrain, “Countless blessings, countless blessings, and blessings more to follow, praise His name! I am lost in love and wonder, for they far the stars outnumber, and blessings more to follow, praise His name.”

Today, think about the many ways God has blessed you. But don’t be silent in your gratitude. Praise Him. Thank Him. Serve Him.