Continual Joy

Continual Joy

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Paul wrote to the Thessalonians only a short time after they first heard the Gospel. Paul himself had been driven from the city after a visit that lasted only three weeks, and the new believers had to remain behind in a largely hostile culture.

However, in spite of their situation, Paul said that they should be happy, rejoice, and be glad-hearted! No matter what they did, or what problems they faced, or what other people said, they were to be filled with joy. Not in some situations, but continually and always. In every situation, without exception.

The same principle applies to us. As we look at our relationships, circumstances, or finances, we can become worried, anxious, fearful, or filled with doubt. However, these reactions indicate that we are not trusting God. God wants us to have faith, and He can give us joy in any situation.

Today, do not give in to doubt, despair, fear, or anxiety. Renew your trust in God, and receive His joy. Because of Jesus, you can be happy, rejoice, and be glad-hearted continually. The Holy Spirit is with you. Your sins are forgiven. God is sovereign over the world and your life. He has a plan for you, and He is working everything together for good.

Celebrate God’s goodness right now. Allow His joy to fill your heart. Then share it with others. Let them know that Jesus can give them an unspeakable joy too!