September 3, 2024


Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“When he had said these things, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight.”—Acts 1:9 ESV

As they followed Jesus, the disciples always could turn to Him. Wherever they went, He was there. When they didn’t know what to do, they called on Him. When they failed, He rescued them.

Then He was crucified. Facing life without Him, they gathered together with doors locked. But when He appeared to them, His post-resurrection presence gave them peace (John 20:19–21).

After He spent 40 days with them, the time came for Jesus to ascend into Heaven. As He was taken up before them, they realized that He really was departing. They had many questions and uncertainties. What did this mean? What were they to do?

When they returned to Jerusalem, they began praying in earnest. As they sought God, the Holy Spirit fell on them. His presence changed everything. He gave them the power they needed. Confidence replaced fear. They no longer were timid but acted with boldness.

Before His crucifixion, Jesus told them that it would be “to [their] advantage” for Him to go away. He meant that “the Helper” would come to them after He left (John 16:7). The Day of Pentecost proved that this was true (Acts 2).

In similar ways, we must seek God in more intense ways, listen for His voice, experience His Spirit, and grow in confidence.

Reflection Question: In what ways do you actively seek a relationship with the Holy Spirit?

Father, I wait on You. Help me be sensitive to Your Spirit. I welcome Your presence. Change me. Transform me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Acts 1

Father, I wait on You. Help me be sensitive to Your Spirit. I welcome Your presence. Change me. Transform me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Acts 1