Completing God’s Work

Completing God’s Work

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

Imagine the challenges faced by the Israelites. God had given them the task of building the tabernacle to His exacting specifications. In this complex assignment, countless details needed to be arranged. Day after day they had to gather resources and then organize them. Various components needed to be fabricated. And they had to work together in harmony.

Yet they were in a wilderness, with no permanent homes and limited materials. How easily they could have become overwhelmed or distracted. But they persevered, and the work was completed.

In the same way, God has given each of us specific assignments. And we need to do our part as members of the body of Christ. We can be distracted, confused by differences of opinion, or paralyzed by the scope of tasks before us in many ways.

It is critical to be in tune with God. We need to be people of prayer, continually seeking His will. We should fill our hearts and minds with His Word to be clear about our assignments. Seek first His Kingdom and faithfully serve Him with the gifts He has given us.

Think about the things God has called you to do. Every day, in every task, you will face possible distractions. Don’t allow anything to divert your attention. Stay focused on God, His kingdom, and His calling. Work in harmony with other believers. Ask Him to help you concentrate on finishing His work.