
Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

God made it clear: He desired to bless His people. But they were not to hoard these blessings. He wanted them to care for others, to have hearts overflowing with love. They were to love their neighbor as themselves. As Jesus said, this was second in importance only to loving the Lord with all their being (Matthew 22:36-38).

They had an opportunity to demonstrate this compassion during harvest time. If they were motivated by selfishness, they would keep all the crops for themselves. But God commanded them to show concern for others even while harvesting. They intentionally were not to reap a part of their fields. God wanted them to leave some behind for those less fortunate, the needy, and strangers.

These principles still are true. As you look around, ask God to give you His perspective. Souls are lost and dying in sin. Others suffer from physical, financial, or spiritual needs. You might have the resources they need. Think about all that God has given you and remember that He blesses you, so you might be a blessing to others.

Ask God to give you a heart of compassion, to open your eyes to ways you can help. Seek to be filled with His Spirit that you might overflow with love. As He leads, be ready to share from your resources, help the poor and needy, spread the Gospel, and change lives.