Cast Out Fear

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

God placed Adam and Eve in a perfect world. In a garden overflowing with abundance, He met every need! But Satan deceived Adam and Eve into believing that God was withholding blessings. And when they believed his lies, fear entered the world (Genesis 3:10).

After their disobedience, Adam and Eve became conscious of their sin. They no longer could enjoy God’s abundance or even His presence. They no longer looked at Him as their Friend, but as someone to be feared.

This is the impact of fear on our lives: It paralyzes us. It shapes our attitudes and expectations, and blocks the flow of God’s blessings. Like Adam and Eve, we can become afraid of facing God and afraid to believe His Word.

This fear is expressed in many ways. We can be afraid of failure, afraid of what others might say about us, or afraid about our jobs or world conditions.

But everything changes when our relationship with the Father is restored; when our sins are forgiven and we live in fellowship with Him; when we obey and trust Him; when we seek His face and are led by His Spirit; when we believe that His Word really is true and that He delights to bless us; when we realize that He loves with a perfect love; when we remember all that He has prepared for us; when we’re confident that He will meet our every need and give us an abundant life.

Today, remember that there is “no fear in love” and that God loves you perfectly. Enter into that love relationship with your Father. Let His love cast out every fear.

Seek to live in expectation and faith, believing that He will meet all your needs and give you His abundant life.