Called to Obedience

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

The assignment given to Hosea seemed difficult and hard to understand: He was told to marry a harlot.

Hosea surely knew that this violated God’s own command about not marrying harlots (Leviticus 21:7). People who were called to serve God were required to live by higher standards than just satisfying their own interests and desires. They were to obey Him even when this meant putting their own lives at risk.

God does not always reveal the reasons for His commands. But He told Hosea that he was to be the father of “children of harlotry.” Why? Because God would use his experience to help show His people that they had “committed great harlotry by departing from the LORD.”

Jesus also stressed the importance of obedience during His earthly ministry. His goal was not to become popular or start a movement. Nor did He care about impressing others with His knowledge or power. He wanted to make disciples: people who would follow Him.

In the beginning of His ministry, Jesus delivered a simple message: “Follow me” (Matthew 4:19). He frequently repeated this message, saying, “He who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me” (Matthew 10:38). Jesus stressed this same concern in the Great Commission, directing His followers to “make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19).

This call is very personal, for each of us must answer His call in our own lives and determine our response: Have we truly left everything to follow Jesus? Is this our highest priority? Are we truly obeying Him? Have we placed any restrictions on our obedience?

This kind of commitment is the cornerstone of our faith and the building block for spiritual growth. Have you left everything to follow Jesus?