May 22, 2022

Burdened for Souls

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“There is no one who calls on Your name, who stirs himself to take hold of You; for You have hidden Your face from us and have surrendered us into the power of our wrongdoings.” – Isaiah 64:7 NASB

Did people really care? Isaiah wondered. Even though there were countless problems, no one cared enough to call on God.

Frank Bartleman had a similar perspective. In December 1904, he and his family moved to Pasadena, California. They had no income and were forced to live by faith. But he believed God had called him there. Within two weeks, their youngest child, Esther, died. It was a devastating moment. But he continued to serve God faithfully.

He felt God was preparing him for a new ministry. Longing “to know Him in a more real way,” he cried for God to do a mighty work. He prayed for revival. Although still filled with grief, he began to preach at a local mission.

Inspired by Isaiah 64, he felt that few believers were moved by the spiritual needs of the community or the presence of sin. But Bartleman was determined to intercede. “Greatly burdened for souls,” he preached nearly every day. He also passed out tracts and witnessed.

Soon, revival broke out in Pasadena, sweeping through Southern California. God moved, in part, because Bartleman had a burden for souls.

Today, what is God saying to you? Ask that He might give you a burden for souls. People all around you are lost. Pray that He would send His Holy Spirit to bring salvation. And give of your time and resources that He might use you to spread the Good News.


Reflection Question: How can you do your part to fulfill the Great Commission?

Father, give me a burden for souls. Open my eyes to see the needs of people all around me. Use me to bring revival. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Isaiah 64

Father, give me a burden for souls. Open my eyes to see the needs of people all around me. Use me to bring revival. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Isaiah 64