Bold as a Lion

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Born in Reading, England in July 1718, John Cennick was raised in a Christian home. When he was just nine, he heard his dying aunt exclaim, “Last night the Lord stood by me and invited me to drink of the fountain of life freely, and I shall stand before the Lord as bold as a lion.” Even while struggling with his faith, he never forgot that image.

When he was thirteen, Cennick went to London to search for a job, but instead he gambled away much of his income. He began to feel guilty—a feeling that increased until, one day, he went into a church to pray. As he knelt, he seemed to hear Jesus say, “I am your salvation.” His burdens immediately were gone, and his desires changed. This radical conversion led to a life spent serving God.

Although he lacked formal training, Cennick once was asked to fill in for an absent preacher. Initially, he was afraid, but God took away his fears. Soon as many as 4,000 people gathered to hear him, marveling at his boldness and confidence. He became one of the most important ministers of that time.

Cennick drew upon that boldness as a missionary to Ireland, where he experienced constant opposition, even being beaten and arrested. He kept preaching the Word, as many as 20 times a week, driving his body until he was exhausted. Although he was only 36 years old when he died on July 4, 1755, he had made a powerful impact for the Gospel.

Today, God is looking for men and women with this kind of boldness. Remember, you serve Almighty God. Don’t be timid or back down. Be bold. Dedicate your life without compromise to Christ’s Gospel and His Kingdom.