December 3, 2024

Attitude Matters

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“We will not drink wine, for Jonadab the son of Rechab, our father, commanded us, saying, ‘You shall not drink wine, you or your sons, forever.’”—Jeremiah 35:6 NASB

At God’s insistence, Jeremiah asked the Rechabites to drink some wine. It seemed like an innocent request. But Jeremiah learned that for generations, this family had followed the words of their ancestor, Jonadab, who directed them not to drink wine—ever. They would not drink even when told to by a prophet.

God used this example to point out what was wrong with His people. He had provided for and protected them. Yet even though He spoke to them “again and again,” they did not listen. He “called to them, but they did not answer” (vs. 14, 17).

To that disobedient generation, God wondered why they did not have the same kind of commitment as the Rechabites. Why would they not obey Him?

In contrast, God promised continued blessings for the Rechabites because they were obedient, displaying a consistent attitude that pleased God.

The Bible makes it clear that God honors obedience. Obedience is an attitude that breeds trust and peace, order and stability. Those characterized by conformity put themselves in a position to experience more of His blessings.

Sadly, many choose to ignore God and go their own way. Like those in Jeremiah’s time, they refuse to listen and obey, and then they wonder why they haven’t been blessed.

Seek to be a person of conviction with a heart pleasing to God. Seek to be faithful and obedient to Him.

Reflection Question: In what areas do you struggle with obedience to God’s commands?

Father, help me obey Your Word and have an attitude that is pleasing to You. I commit my life to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Jeremiah 35

Father, help me obey Your Word and have an attitude that is pleasing to You. I commit my life to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Jeremiah 35