October 14, 2023

A Still, Small Voice

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“The LORD was not in the wind … after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake … after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire … after the fire a still small voice.”—1 Kings 19:11–12

John Greenleaf Whittier had seen how some people worked hard in an effort to hear from God and experience His presence. In one extreme example, the priests of another religion drank themselves into a stupor seeking to have a religious experience.

Whittier, a great American poet, knew some Christians engaged in their own form of this habit. Drawing on his background as a Quaker, Whittier knew this effort was misdirected. He realized the biblical pattern was correct as expressed in the experience of the prophet Elijah—seeking God through a time of sensitive waiting and, more than engaging in religious activity, listening for His “still, small voice.”

These truths became the essence of “Dear Lord and Father of Mankind,” recently voted one of the best hymns ever written. Here Whittier called on believers to approach God with a spirit of reverence and humility.

He asked God to “forgive our foolish ways,” so we would focus on living purer lives and humble ourselves before Him. We’re simply to trust Him and follow Jesus, realizing the benefit of quietness before God “till all our strivings cease,” so we might experience His peace and hear from Him.

Remember that God desires to speak to you. Let Him speak through His revealed Word with insights from time spent studying, listening, and waiting. Stay sensitive to His Spirit and listen for His still, small voice. Quiet yourself before Him; He is the Lord.

Reflection Question: What has God been saying to you recently?

Father, speak to me through Your Word. Help me to be sensitive to Your voice. Speak to me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
1 Kings 19

Father, speak to me through Your Word. Help me to be sensitive to Your voice. Speak to me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
1 Kings 19