September 10, 2022

A Spiritual War

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“Prepare for holy war; stir up the warriors! … Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears; let the weak man say, ‘I am a warrior.’ […] Let the nations be awakened … I will sit to judge all the surrounding nations.” – Joel 3:9-12 NASB

The prophet Joel received a message: God’s people needed to wake up! They needed to take a fresh look at the world and see the problems caused by sin and the results of ignoring God’s Word.

God called them to repent. He told them to humble themselves and cry out to Him. He wanted them to become serious about their spiritual lives. As they repented, God promised to intervene in the conflicts they faced, fight for them, restore all that had been lost, and bless them.

His people needed to realize that they faced a real war! One day, a great conflict will take place as nations will be drawn into battle in the valley of Jehoshaphat.

God told Joel each of us needs to make sure our lives are right in His sight. Is there sin for which we need to repent? Are we seeking Him first? Are we obeying His call? Are we serving Him?

Ask God to help you see the needs in the world and give you a burden for souls. Billions of people have never heard the Gospel. Millions more need to return to Him.

You are a soldier in God’s army. Be ready to serve Him and obey His call. Always listen for His commands. Be filled with His Word. Seek first His Kingdom, be armed and ready to use spiritual weapons to tear down the strongholds of the enemy (2 Corinthians 10:4).

Reflection Question: Are you heeding the Holy Spirit’s prompting? How are you serving God?

Father, I am a soldier in Your army. Keep me from distractions. Help me focus on serving You. Give me a burden for souls! In Jesus’ name, amen

Today's Bible Reading
Joel 3

Father, I am a soldier in Your army. Keep me from distractions. Help me focus on serving You. Give me a burden for souls! In Jesus’ name, amen

Today's Bible Reading
Joel 3