A Root of Bitterness

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Modern research has proven that bitterness can have devastating consequences. In fact, a recent study confirmed that bitterness actually can cause illness. It impacts the way our bodies function. We might feel justified in becoming bitter, but the result can be damaging. For us!

As the Israelites wandered in the wilderness, they could not have known results from studies like this. But they had God’s Word.

There are many reasons why He wanted them to serve Him. To live according to His Word and not be influenced by people who had other gods. He knew that something happens when we imitate the wrong people, and adopt their lifestyle and beliefs. When we stop looking to Him and trusting Him, and start thinking like the world.

This pattern can lead to the formation of bitterness. It can begin like a small seed but can establish a root that grows and becomes dominant. This bitterness intensifies when we stop walking by faith and question God. When we feel that He has not kept His promises or that He has withheld things from us that we deserve.

The New Testament warns believers that this bitterness can be destructive, to be on guard “lest any root of bitterness” spring up which can make us “defiled” (Hebrews 12:15). The Greek word here suggests being stained with a different color. To be polluted or contaminated.

In your life, renew your commitment to stand on God’s Word. Resist compromise and don’t allow the world to control you. And be on guard against any bitterness. Renew your relationship with God, confident that you can trust Him.