A Relevant Faith

A Relevant Faith

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

Some seem eager to criticize, share opinions, and give advice, whether or not it was requested. But according to a recent study, criticism alone rarely inspires people to take action. What makes the difference? Practical insights, relevant perspectives, and proven principles.

We see these patterns in our spiritual lives. People want reality and faith that changes lives. They don’t want empty promises but real peace and joy. They don’t want criticism or opinions but real meaning and real fulfillment.

How do we experience such a dynamic, real faith? We start by making a radical commitment to follow Jesus, to be His disciple, to know God’s Word, and to live according to its principles. We are to be filled with the Spirit and people of prayer.

The Bible reminds us that God’s Word provides a lamp to guide us. Its teachings provide us with light. The more we know the Word, the more clearly God can lead us. The more His Word saturates our minds and hearts, the more He can speak to us. And when we sin or make mistakes, God guides us through “reproofs of discipline.” He corrects us when we need correction.

Ask God to help you be more sensitive to His Spirit. Fill your mind with His Word. Be ready to step out in faith. Believe that His power is real and available to you. Miracles still are possible. Put His Word into action.