January 18, 2025

A Radical Commitment

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

Are you ready to make a radical commitment to Christ?

“If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.”—Matthew 19:21 NASB

Here was a religious man who knew the Scriptures and tried to do the right things. But Jesus said he faced a crossroads. Jesus asked him to make a “complete” commitment, to surrender everything and follow Him. Everything—even to the point of selling his possessions.

This message made the man sad. Though he wanted to “obtain eternal life,” Jesus seemed to be demanding too much (v. 16). Yes, the man hoped to find an inheritance in the life to come, but he was committed to this present world, for he “owned much property” (v. 22).

Many people are just like this man—interested in following Jesus, yet clinging to this world and compromising.

Jesus asks us the same things He asked of this rich young man. Are we willing to follow Him radically? Completely? Without holding anything back? Are we ready to quit living for ourselves and surrender everything to Him…our time, talents, and treasures?

Those who make this radical commitment enter a new dimension of faith. God’s power begins to flow, and His Kingdom comes alive in them.

Jesus offers you this same possibility, but it requires a radical commitment. Will you cling to this world? Or give up everything to follow Him?

Don’t hold back. Step out in faith. Commit everything to Jesus. Not everyone is willing to take this path, but it’s the only way to be “complete” and find fullness of life in Him.

Reflection Question: What is Jesus calling you to give up to follow Him today?

Dear Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to You. I will follow You completely and not hold on to the things of this world. I make a radical commitment. You are my Lord! In Your name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Matthew 19

Dear Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to You. I will follow You completely and not hold on to the things of this world. I make a radical commitment. You are my Lord! In Your name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Matthew 19