The Key to an Artist’s Booming Sales

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

After hitting a difficult financial season, Christopher’s life changed when he took a step of faith while watching Inspiration Campmeeting.

Christopher lives in the beautiful back roads of North Carolina, where he’s made a living selling incredible original paintings. But, as the winter approached, he knew his sales would drop to almost nothing. To make ends meet, he took care of his granddaughter for about $100 a week. In between babysitting and painting, he would flip through the TV channels for something to watch. “Next…” he would click the remote. “Next…” he repeated, not interested in infomercials nor daytime soap operas.

Finally, Christopher stumbled upon Inspiration Campmeeting. The speaker proclaimed, “If you release what is in your hand, God will release what is in His hand!”

Christopher sensed the Lord showing him a way to receive financial freedom, and He was moved to sow a seed of $58 to help transform lives through Inspiration Ministries.

By the next month, he couldn’t believe how his life changed…

“It was the best month ever,” Christopher shares about what happened after he sowed his seed. “I went from having no sales to receiving $3,000 in my painting sales. I no longer had to live off of just $100 a week.”

Then an art gallery called Christopher, asking if he would like to sell his paintings in their gallery. He was overjoyed to be in his harvest season in such a short amount of time.

“I now realize I am blessed to be a blessing. That is one of the many things I have learned from Inspiration Ministries. It’s now my purpose in life—to be a blessing to others.”

As God did for Christopher, when you release the seed in your hand, the Lord will release the supernatural harvests in His hand!

I Want to Sow a Seed