Introducing Gracie Bee!

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

This month Inspiration TV introduces a new host to our children’s programming—sharing the love of Jesus with children around the world.

Inspiration TV is excited to invite a new friend to its lineup of children’s programming! Gracie Bee is a new addition who will personally invite children to learn about Jesus together as she hosts fun, inspirational programs.

Gracie Bee is the friend every parent wants their child to have. She shares God’s love to youngsters in a brand-new, exciting way to influence, engage, and entertain.

Gracie Bee is a vivacious bee who loves Jesus very, very much. She feels blessed to spend her days among beautiful flowers. And because she’s so happy, she wants to share God’s love with everyone.

Gracie loves to sing, praise God, and introduce Inspiration TV’s kid-friendly shows that teach Biblical values, inspire kids to use their creative gifts for God, and impart godly lessons illustrated through exciting adventures.

Thanks to the generous financial gifts of partners like you, Inspiration Kids is able to impact thousands of children around the globe. Not only do we spread God’s love and Biblical teachings, but we also demonstrate to our young viewers that learning about Jesus can be fun!

As children learn about Jesus through interactive games and lessons, Gracie also teaches them simple Bible verses to memorize for the next episode. The whole family will fall in love with her loving personality, engaging lessons, and precious moments of prayer. And nothing makes this bubbly bee happier than when a child accepts Jesus in their heart as Lord and Savior!

Remember: Gracie Bee, children’s new best friend, is coming to TVs, smartphones, tablets and computer screens around the world this month!