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Inspiration Ministries

Our vision is to shine the light of the Gospel on every continent, in every major language group, through every form of technology.

New Life at Any Age

Plug an electronic device into an outlet, and it powers up, turns on, and surges to life. Plug a…

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Learn From History
Learn From History

Ahikam learned from history and saved Jeremiah’s life. “The hand of Ahikam the son of Shaphan was…

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Stand Firm
Stand Firm

Will you stand firm like Jeremiah, or run away like Uriah? “There was also a man who used to…

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Are you listening to God or to the world? “I spoke to you in your prosperity; but you said, ‘I will…

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Your Mission
Your Mission

Don’t let problems distract you from your mission from God. “If you return, then I will restore…

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God’s Plan for Your Life

Did you know that God has had a plan for your life well before you were conceived by your parents?…

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The Road to Restoration
The Road to Restoration

Following the road to restoration will lead to justice. “Though our wrongdoings testify against us,…

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Passion For Souls
Passion for Souls

Do you have a passion for souls as Jeremiah did? “Oh, that my head were waters and my eyes a…

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Amazing Grace
Living on the Promises: Amazing Grace – Good Gifts from a Good God

"The Lord has promised good to me. His Word, my hope secures. He will my shield and portion be as…

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Going Backward
Going Backward

Are you going backward or forward in your Christian walk? “’Obey My voice, and I will be your God,…

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