September 5, 2023


Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“Remain on at Ephesus … instruct certain people not to teach strange doctrines, nor to pay attention to myths and endless genealogies … The goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from a sincere faith.”—1 Timothy 1:3–5 NASB

Timothy might have had other desires, but Paul directed him to stay at Ephesus until his mission was completed. The task? To identify any mistaken assumptions made by believers. He was to make sure they were on course, learning correct doctrines, and knowing what they believed.

Paul knew how easily false doctrines could spread and become accepted. Recognizing this danger, Timothy was to deliver his message forcefully.

Timothy was encouraged to realize that some believers had become distracted. They were wasting time pursuing subjects that were not fruitful. Many of them spent too much time in debates, disputes, and arguments. Paul specifically wanted Timothy to instruct them not to “pay attention to myths and endless genealogies” and avoid gossip and speculation.

Timothy was to have the right priorities and encourage believers to focus on living for God. They were to make Jesus their Lord and Savior, have effective prayer lives, avoid distractions, and fill their minds with God’s Word.

These characteristics still are central to being used by God. He calls us to know His Word and be certain of what we believe. We are to let Him direct our paths and make sure our hearts are pure, so we have a “good conscience,” serve Him, and stay focused on the tasks to which we are called.

Reflection Question: How can you learn to focus on Jesus and ignore the distractions?

Father, keep me from being sidetracked with distracting issues. Help me focus on the Gospel. Direct my thoughts. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
1 Timothy 1

Father, keep me from being sidetracked with distracting issues. Help me focus on the Gospel. Direct my thoughts. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
1 Timothy 1