Lost Kites

Knowing that almost 10 million children live in orphanages and 100 million are homeless, a young film team knew there was a necessary demand to restore families across the globe. The biggest question was HOW?

For two years, the team set on a 22-nation journey to have over 70 interviews with social workers, advocates, doctors, and authors searching for ways to end the global orphan crisis.

Along their inspiring journey, the team met three kids who forever changed their lives and perspective of the global orphan crisis. Caught in street life, orphanage care, and abandonment, these three children face traumatic challenges daily. But through witnessing the harsh realities of their everyday living, the team learns there is a need greater than money.

They become inspired to create a powerful family-based model that can change the way the world approaches orphan care. Their model goes beyond the material needs of food, blankets, school supplies, and clothing and allows orphans to feel the genuine, unconditional love only felt in a loving family setting.

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