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trust in god


An ‘Appointed Time’ for a Great New Job

Tammie’s husband Moir was under a lot of pressure from his bosses, and he had a strong desire to…

Experience the Radical Rest of God

God wants us to enjoy our everyday lives. John 10:10 says that Jesus died for us so we “may have…

No Risk, No Miracle
No Risk, No Miracle

I’ve seen God do some incredible miracles. Blind people have received their sight, the deaf can now…

Trust me
‘Trust Me.’ – God

Trust … It’s hard to earn and easy to lose. In our fast-paced world, dominated by social media,…

Trusting the Lord of Breakthroughs

The Bible provides many different names to describe the Lord. He is our righteousness…our…

On Alert
On Alert

Early on the morning of May 10, 1775, a small band of American soldiers approached Fort Ticonderoga…

All Things Are Possible

The future must have seemed hopeless for George Washington Carver. He lived during a time when…

Trusting in God

When David stopped to consider his life, he realized all that God had done for him. He saw that He…

The Decision

James Russell Lowell was a respected poet. Although he graduated from Harvard with a degree in law,…