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Why Do You Call Jesus the Lamb of God?

There is beautiful meaning and significance to unpack as we consider the reasons we call Jesus the…

You’re the Worst Person in the World

Excerpt Taken from You’re the Worst Person in the World: Why It’s the Best News Ever that You Don't…

How to Grow As a Man of Faith (Part 1)

When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away…

Cry Out for Fire

Many of the stories in the Bible are about people who were sold-out fanatics for Jesus. If they…

9-11 Impact: One Family’s Call to Serve

Book Excerpt Taken from Always My Hero: The Road to Hope and Healing Following My Brother's Death…

‘All Gave Some, Some Gave All’

Memorial Day was first celebrated on May 5, 1866, in Waterloo, New York, to commemorate the brave…

Honor the Impact of a Mother’s Love

On this special day for mothers, join Inspiration Ministries in honoring the life and love of all…

God Is Our Provider

Does God really care about the daily details of our lives? Is He going to step in and help you when…

Burgess Jenkins on Family and Sacrifice in ‘I Am Potential’ (Part 1)

JF: Could you please tell me a little bit about the movie, I Am Potential? Burgess: Gosh, where do…

A Veterans Day Message

I’m so grateful to live in a land where we’re free to worship the Lord and preach His Gospel…