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Dave Says: Jump In!

Dear Dave, I recently received my master’s degree in finance, and for the last four years I’ve had…

Good Pay Doesn’t Require a Four-Year Degree
Good Pay Doesn’t Require a Four-Year Degree

History is full of successful people who carved their own path far away from traditional education.…

Dave Says: Be Patient, Find Your Path … and Forget about Student Loans

Dear Dave, My husband and I are 30, and we are on Baby Step 2. He wants to go back to school and…

Is it Time to Rethink Your Child’s Education
Is it Time to Rethink Your Child’s Education?

2020 brought the public school model of education into our homes. As the Christian homeschooling…

Black History Spotlight: Booker T. Washington

Booker T. Washington (1856-1915) was one of the most significant figures in post-Reconstruction…

Is Homeschooling Right for Your Family
Is Homeschooling Right for Your Family?

When I answered the phone, I immediately recognized my neighbor's voice. "Rhonda, are you really…

A Scary Question

So, what is your desired salary? This is a question that can make any job candidate’s stomach drop,…

God’s Plan for Your Talent

This must have been a devastating time for the Jews. Their kingdom had been wiped out. Jerusalem…

What Is Shaping Your Children?

Who is raising our children? Many parents simply assume they are the primary teachers. But there is…

Finding Real Solutions

Nebuchadnezzar was surrounded by the finest minds in his kingdom. But, after a troubling dream, he…