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Five Scriptures to Win Your Battle with Fear

Two kinds of fear exist—healthy and unhealthy. The first is God-given and helps protect you. The…

Jesus Wants to Guide You Through Your Grief
Jesus Wants to Guide You Through Your Grief

When my dad died my mom asked me to be the minister for his funeral. But I felt like a son in…

Courage to Face Your Fears
Courage to Face Your Fears

The Lord says, ‘I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.  I will advise you and watch…

Break Through

Excerpt from Break Through by David Cerullo Embrace the Lord of Breakthroughs The closer you get to…

Keys Overcome Discouragement
4 Keys to Overcoming Discouragement

Recognize discouragement as a season, not a permanent condition. Although we’ve all been…

Overcoming Fear
Overcoming Fear in Troubled Times

Wars. Terrorism. A pandemic. Financial calamity. Racial strife. Climate change. Nuclear…

Will I Ever Overcome the Consequences of My Past Mistakes?

We all make mistakes, but not all mistakes carry the same level of consequence for the mistake.…

Winning the Battle for Your Breakthrough
Winning the Battle for Your Breakthrough

Do you ever feel like some problems just won’t budge? Does it seem like you can’t seem to win your…

Praise and Trust: Tools for Victory
Praise and Trust: Tools for Victory

Trusting God is one of the best things we can do as believers. Wholeheartedly putting the full…