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Coping with Loneliness at Christmas

‘Tis the season to be … gloomy? Feeling low this Christmas season? You’re not alone. Amid cheery…

The Woman Who Gave Jesus a Gift
The Woman Who Gave Jesus a Gift

When we celebrate a person’s birthday, we typically do something to honor them, perhaps giving them…

A Little Christmas Glow

It’s the beginning of the Christmas season, and I’ve already dug out my outside lights and…

Reflecting on the Wonder of Christmas

One year, my daughter and I flew to Chicago a few weeks before Christmas. Because Ginny works for…

There’s a Baby in the Barn

Participating each year in the annual church Christmas pageant gave me the erroneous impression…

The Oldest (and Best) Christmas Traditions

Did you ever wonder what the oldest Christmas tradition is? Some of our most beloved traditions are…

The Anticipation of Christmas

For most of my growing years, I attended a Haitian church nestled in a town in North Jersey—just a…

Heaven’s Christmas Day Invasion
Heaven’s Christmas Day Invasion

The angelic proclamation heralded a triumphant Christmas Day invasion by God’s Kingdom. With all…