What Can You Do About Trafficking?

Caitlyn ScaggsBy Caitlyn Scaggs7 Minutes

It can be easy to dismiss human trafficking because it is not an issue that is always visible. It is possible it is not an issue that has impacted you directly. Without a personal connection, it is easy to feel “off the hook” for any sort of specific response. However, we are urged in scripture to remember the outcasts, overlooked, and marginalized people of the world. In James 1:27, we are told, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

James 1:27 tells us that we should look after those who are vulnerable and without proper care – that’s who the orphans and widows were back in that specific time period. In our present times, individuals who are trafficked are people who find themselves in distress and are vulnerable. We are called to see them and serve them!

July 30 is “World Day Against Trafficking in Persons” and is an international opportunity to turn a spotlight on this darkness that impacts every corner of this planet. From trafficking for forced labor, to the exploitation for people for sexual purposes, and other sinister motivations, human trafficking is horrific. As Christians, July 30 gives us a great reason to pause and ask ourselves if our hearts are breaking for what breaks the Lord’s heart.

New Hope Girls

I have the privilege to work for a ministry that is pushing back on the darkness of Human Trafficking each and every day. At New Hope Girls, we provide care for young girls who have been brought out of the darkness and into refuge with us. We also create jobs for women so that they can be economically empowered, which reduces their risk factors for exploitation and trafficking. On July 30, our organization is reminded that we are not alone in this big fight. There are people battling alongside us, both near and far, for the same goal of pushing back on the darkness.

You may be wondering at this moment, “what can I do to fight such a big issue?” The beautiful reality is that everyone can do something that makes a tangible impact! Here are some practical steps forward as you recognize World Day Against Trafficking in Persons and as you continue to support the global fight against trafficking each and every day.

Start with Prayer

I encourage you to pray today for those who are fighting against trafficking on the front lines. At New Hope Girls, we would be so honored to find a place on your prayer list. But there are more like us out there – so many! Pray that the warriors on the frontlines of this fight will not grow weary in doing good. Intercede for their safety as they go into hard places, and even dangerous places, to rescue. Pray for their emotional perseverance as they walk with survivors along the arduous road to healing.

Shop with Purpose

Extreme poverty is a major risk factor for trafficking and exploitation. With that in mind, many anti-trafficking organizations implement a model in which survivors (or those at risk) work and earn a living wage, while also finding a safe and supportive community. New Hope Girls uses this strategic model and so do other groups like Rahab’s Rope and Thistle Farms. When you shop with these organizations you are directly supporting survivors and their healing journeys.

Invite Speakers

As your church family plans upcoming events, consider inviting someone from an anti-trafficking ministry to come and speak. It is powerful to hear directly from the people who are giving their life’s work to these important causes. Not only will it bless the organization to be supported by your church family, it will also bless your church family to learn how God is on the move within our world.


You may not feel personally called to work on the front lines of the anti-trafficking fight, and that is okay! The body of Christ requires a wide variety of gifts, talents, passions, and purposes. However, financially supporting those on the front lines is critical and crucial in the global fight against trafficking. You can research organizations in advance to ensure you understand how they steward donated funds. Even regular contributions like $25 a month can go a long way in the care of survivors and fueling rescue efforts.

Educate Yourself

While you may be able to live your daily life without the awareness of trafficking, you can take next steps to better learn about the realities of this darkness. Follow organizations on social media that present facts and educational content. As you learn more you will realize areas of opportunity and could perhaps find your heart nudged more and more to support the work of rescue and refuge.

As a person directly connected to the anti-trafficking fight, I am so grateful for World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. I am encouraged that we are given a reason to pause our busy lives and focus our attention on how to push back against this evil. Now is the perfect time for you to prayerfully consider the next steps the Lord may be inviting you into. Consider how you can personally push back against the darkness with your light, which reflects the Glory of God.

Learn more about New Hope Girls

Learn more about Rahab’s Rope

Learn more about Thistle Farms