The Love of a True Father

The Love of a True Father

David CerulloBy David Cerullo1 Minutes

One of the greatest joys for a father is when his little children come running to him when he comes home from work. We see something similar in the story of the prodigal child, only in this story it is the father who runs to his child when he finally returned home.

This parable gives us a comforting picture of the love our Heavenly Father has for His children. Though his son left and squandered his inheritance, when he returned the father ran to embrace him.

Your earthly father may have been loving and accepting, or perhaps he was not. But on this special day when we celebrate Dads, remember your Father in heaven is always full of loving kindness.

If you’ve had a supportive earthly father, then ask God to give you opportunities to pass that love on to others. If your Dad was not as caring as he could have been, receive the love and acceptance of your Father in Heaven.

I am praying for you today, asking God to heal any broken places in your heart and to reveal Himself to you as Abba – your loving Heavenly Father.

God bless you,

David Cerullo