School of Deliverance: Do You Need Deliverance?

Isik AblaBy Isik Abla5 Minutes

Hi everybody, welcome to School of Deliverance! It is all about freedom in Jesus Christ! It is about your freedom, your success, your happiness! Based on my deliverance experience, my freedom journey, I wrote this book, Cast Out Demons and Slay Your Giants, because scripture is very clear.

God is speaking to us and telling us in Luke 10:19, “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy. Nothing will harm you.” It is all biblical and it is all for you. And I want to ask you this question because I am going to ask you some questions for you to identify. When you are part of the School of Deliverance, you are going to learn so much about the power of God and how He can really trample the power of the enemy in your life.

Watch School of Deliverance with Isik Abla

So you need to ask some questions, and if you say yes to one or two or more of these, maybe you need deliverance. First and foremost, this is for you. Then, after you get delivered, after you are tasting the freedom and joy that is coming through freedom, victories are coming from freedom, you are going to want this for everybody around you.

But first identify: where is the serpent? What happens is serpents hide in the secret places and they are in your familiar; they are in your blind sides. Like when you are driving a car, you don’t see what is on your blind side. And that is why it is called an accident, right? Because you don’t see your blind side. It’s your familiar. It is your normal. But ask these questions: do you have sins in your life that are recurring? They are addictions, they are strongholds.

Are you going through anxiety attacks? Panic attacks? Constant turmoil and chaos in your life? Are you feeling stuck someplace in your life maybe even in your career? Maybe in your financial blessings it seems like you are going two steps forward and five steps backward. Something is happening and you don’t know. Are you hearing voices? Voices that are scaring you, voices that you don’t know where they are coming from, voices that are stealing your peace, tormenting thoughts are coming to your mind.

Are you living your life with all kinds of suicidal thoughts, murder, or depression and you feel this darkness over you? Are you just going places and you can just feel some presence in your life and you know that you know that it is not the presence of God? And if you are going through these things, even more of these things, these programs, this school that I created, School of Deliverance, is for you, for you to be free, and for you to help other people be set free.

So, first identify. Ask the Holy Spirit because without the Holy Spirit’s leading and without Jesus, Jesus is the centerpiece of the school okay? We are not going to magnify the enemy: “Oh the devil, the devil, oh the demons, the demons.” No, we are going to magnify Jesus Christ.

But we are going to identify: where are those little foxes? Where are those little grasshoppers and the locusts that are eating your blessings? And how they are sneaking into your life and coming from the places that you do not see. You do not recognize because maybe you have been inheriting them throughout the generations. So, we’re gonna deal with all these generational curses, generational habits: “You know my father had this, my great-grandfather had this, my grandfather had this, now I have it.” We’re gonna break off all the power of the enemy in your life.

So, stay tuned with me. We can trample and completely cast out demons, snakes, and scorpions from your life and you can live a powerful life with the authority of Jesus Christ in Jesus’ name. Amen and Amen!

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