When Satan Strikes

Safe in Jesus When Satan Strikes

Jentezen FranklinBy Jentezen Franklin4 Minutes

No matter when Satan strikes, you’re safe in the shadow of El Shaddai.

Moses declared that God would protect you from snakes. An adder lies quietly under a rock or behind a bush and strikes when you least expect it. It represents the unexpected attack from the enemy. When you are attacked by an adder, you say things like, “Wow, I didn’t see that coming!”—that accident, that job loss, that relational problem. “The adder was just lying there under that rock, and I did not see it coming to attack.”

You know how frightening that unexpected attack can be. Somehow the element of surprise takes you off guard. You feel overwhelming fear in that moment. But you don’t have to freak out when the adder attacks unexpectedly. Run to the shadow of El Shaddai. You need to know that miracles can strike as suddenly as tragedies! Just call on the name of the Lord!

Do what the apostle Paul did when the deadly snake grabbed his wrist, and shake it off into the fire (see Acts 28). When an adder attack of the enemy strikes you, don’t just let it chew on you; shake it off!

If the adder tries to chew on your mind, filling it with fear, resentment, anger, or unforgiveness, shake it off. Don’t allow him to gain advantage over you by listening to his sneaky accusations. The devil will try to steal your peace and joy, your relationships, and your faith in God. He will try to strike your children, your finances, and your future.

Run to the tent of El Shaddai, and allow Him to cleanse your heart from the chewing adder. He will destroy the traumatic effects of the unexpected attack on your life. God will restore to you all the enemy has tried to steal from you.

Satan is a joy robber. His unexpected attacks can chew away your joy. He wants you to get up every morning and hate your life. It can happen to any of us. Depression is always looming over us, but you don’t have to take it. Just declare, “The Lord is my refuge. The Lord is my life. The Lord is my safe place.” The Bible says that at His right hand there are pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16:11). God wants you to be a happy, carefree child living in His presence.

Satan wants to steal your peace. I prayed with a person who was being tormented by demon spirits. They kept him from sleeping at night, robbing him of his peace. I told him, “There is only one place where you can be safe. You can go to a psychiatrist, but they can’t make you safe. You can try to get relief with medication or alcohol, but you will only find the true place of safety in the shadow of El Shaddai, God Almighty.”

I know what it is to be attacked by devils. I have experienced this firsthand. But that is when I run to El Shaddai. I pull on His tent cord and call on His name. In that place of divine safety all the armies and angels of Heaven step up and declare, “He’s under the shadow of the Almighty! We have to rescue him!”

Excerpt from Jentezen Franklin, “Your Refuge from Fear.” The Fearless Life, Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2014. Used by permission.

Order your copy of The Fearless Life: No Matter What Happens by Jentzen Franklin.