Praying for Our Government

Praying for Our Government

Brian SimmonsBy Brian Simmons4 Minutes

A government of unfailing love will be established,
with a faithful king in the tabernacle of David,
passionate for justice and swift to do what is right.

Isaiah 16:5

There is no law against love. No taxes paid on gifts of mercy and compassion. No way to stop those who emulate their righteous King. When we take our cue from Jesus, we don’t get bogged down by the negativity streaming across our newsfeed. We don’t view the problems in our society or government with a defeatist attitude because we know he will come and set things in order.

While it is nearly impossible to ignore the injustices and evil that spew from unrighteous leaders and governments, we don’t let it consume us with hopelessness. We are people of faith. Chosen to partner with God as we pray for the answers that drip from our lips like sweet honey. With wisdom and compassion, we not only pray for righteousness to flood our land, but we also become living examples of our faithful King.

Father, bless our government. Give our leaders godly insight to judge rightly and mirror your integrity. Fill them with divine wisdom so they will walk honorably and give justice to all. Let the earth overflow with your glory, your children douse their communities with love, and every mountain of influence blossom with exemplary fruit.

Playing with Fire

If you presume to light your own torch, you are playing with fire.
So go ahead, walk in the light of your own fires and the sparks
you have kindled. But I can promise you this:
it will take you down into torment!

Isaiah 50:11

You cannot do this without God. You cannot blaze a trail of your own making and expect him to bless it if you haven’t even asked his opinion. You will burn out, fueled by nothing more than your own human ability. You were created to meet your destiny with God, not tumble around within it without him.

When we run ahead of God and depend on our own wisdom, insight, and inspiration, we are playing with fire. Impatience mustn’t cause us to react. Pride most definitely cannot be what drives us forward. Our zealous motivation isn’t a bright enough light to guide our steps; it will eventually go out. Instead, let’s slow down and take our ideas to him. Let’s share our hearts with him and then wait in stillness for the Lord to speak and give us wisdom. His timing is perfect, and we must be willing to trust it.

Father, I offer you the desires of my heart. I won’t rush ahead of you or depend on my own wisdom or strength. I bring my hopes and dreams to you and trust you to bring them to pass at the perfect time.

Order your copy of The Vision: 365 Days of Life-Giving Words from the Prophet Isaiah by Brian Simmons and Gretchen Rodriguez