If god Is a Personal God Why Don't I Feel Close to Him

If God Is a Personal God, Why Don’t I Feel Close to Him?

Melissa HendersonBy Melissa Henderson4 Minutes

Bible studies, worship services, personal conversations with family and friends, social media posts, and more have been shared about having a relationship with God. How can we feel close to God when life is tough? If God is a personal God, why don’t I feel close to Him?

Perhaps you have heard people share about their special time with God. Maybe a miracle from God happened and they were expressing joy and thanksgiving. Or there could have been a time when someone shared the closeness they feel when worshiping God in prayer. These sacred moments can draw us closer to God.

What happens when prayers go unanswered or are not answered in the way we desire? Have you experienced a situation when you felt like God wasn’t close and listening?

Everyone has trials in this life. God has not promised our days and nights on this earth would be easy. God promised He would always be with us. Good times or bad times, He is always present.

A medical, financial, or spiritual crisis can be a reminder to draw close to the Father. In good times, rejoice and give praise. In troublesome times, give praise and thanksgiving to God.

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4 NIV).

Why are there moments in life when we don’t feel close to Him? What causes us to feel alone and far from God? Pause and consider the possible reasons. Did the day start with giving praise and thanksgiving to God or did the morning routines take precedence over prayer time?

How can we feel close to God when life seems to be falling apart? A friend, family member, or stranger has shared about the joy they have found in knowing God. They mention having a close connection to the Father. Then, why don’t we feel the same way? Pausing to focus on God and not what is happening at the moment may bring peace and calm to stressful situations.

Was worship, prayer, and reading the Bible part of the day? Or were those important moments put aside to achieve success on a “to-do” list? When we put our own needs ahead of sharing time with God, the focus is on ourselves and not on God.

The evil one constantly tries to take our attention away from the Father. The way we react to the emotions expressed by others can push us away from God or closer to Him. Anger, resentment, jealousy, and more can try to take control. Staying in the Word will guide us to react in the way God desires. Our responses can show others the depths of our faith and love for God.

God is with us in every moment. Therefore, we should include Him in every moment. He is active in our lives. He is waiting for us to seek Him and develop a deep and meaningful relationship. The instructions are simple. Ask God into your life. Praise Him. Repent of sins. Seek His forgiveness. Praise Him again. Accept His forgiveness. Continue to praise God night and day.

God wants a personal relationship with you. Draw close to the Father. He is waiting.

“Come near to God and he will come near to you” (James 4:8 NIV).

In His Name,

Melissa Henderson