Dancing on Your Dash: Going with the Flow

Kim CrabillBy Kim Crabill6 Minutes

Were you able to dance about on your dash this week? Did you gracefully and effortlessly flow through your days like a skilled ballerina? Or maybe your movements were more like those depicted in the old westerns where situations and stresses were like bullets landing at your feet while life bellowed, “Dance, cowboy!”

Hello friend, I’m Kim Crabill, delighted to welcome you back to Strengthen Your Walk and our new series, “Dancing on Your Dash” —discerning when and discovering how God has choreographed our daily steps to fulfill the incredible plan He has declared for each of our lives.

Watch Dancing on Your Dash with Kim Crabill

I think we’ve all heard the saying, “Go with the flow.” Whoever coined that phrase doesn’t seem to understand what life, as we live it, really is.

Life is … kids being bullied and our bodies aging.

Life is … loved ones passing away and friends disappointing us.

Life is … marriage challenging us, and alcohol and drugs affecting our families.

Life is … the outcome of our unintended mistakes and bad decisions!

Life is … a phone call or text message that within an instant can change everything.

Life is … an argument that can deflate and make us question everything we thought we knew life to be.

Yet, in the midst of all life is, each and every morning the sun rises and it’s as if it rises to spread open the dark curtain of darkness revealing a new day — our day — and with that our infallible, invincible, indisputable Dance Instructor invites us to rise up and dance in whatever life is!

Using scripture like Lamentations 3:22, Psalm 30, 2 Corinthians 8:1-9, and Romans 8:38-39, God, our Perfect Partner, reminds us of His unfailing, unwavering, and unconditional love, and the new mercies and joy that come each morning as He extends His hand and whispers, “Follow me! Flow with me.”

Think about this … picture it in your mind … and then think about His invitation. It is two-fold. First to follow and then to flow.

So often we can try to claw our way from one crisis to another but Our Perfect Partner is offering another way — to take His lead — and flow through whatever life is that day. Does that sound impossible? God assures us it is not.

“Flow” in dancing comes from knowing our partner well. Knowing He can be trusted to lead. Knowing He will steady us if we stumble. And that He can even make our stumble a part of His dance.

So, if we must know Him to be able to flow with Him, our part is to know Him better. We do that by spending time with Him in His Word — the Bible.

John 1:1 tells us, “From the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God … and the Word was God!”

Do you know what I find so exciting today: The Bible isn’t a dusty, irrelevant book written long ago for someone else, somewhere else. It’s not a tire pump that we pull out only for emergencies. Neither is it merely a book of rules and regulations. Rather, from Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is God … and it is our “love letter from His heart,” by which He reveals Himself to us. So, when we accepted His invitation and take His hand for the dance, it is not a stranger’s hand. It is the hand of someone we can know intimately because He has and will continually reveal Himself to us in His Word.

Dear friend, we can’t truly dance on our dash until we truly trust God, and we can’t trust God until we know Him personally. In every book of the Bible, we discover something about Him. We may start out uncertain, doubtful that this new Partner is as perfect as we’ve been told. We may resist His lead and try to steer Him into a direction we prefer. But increasingly, as we come to lean into Him and to trust His steps, we find ourselves thinking I never knew dancing could flow like this!

As we conclude today, I have a challenge for you: If you don’t already, will you commit to reading your Bible a little every day? Start with a Gospel, perhaps, Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John because the Gospels describe the years Jesus walked this earth. And Jesus Himself said to His disciple Philip, “If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father” (John 14:8-9). So, open that one-of-a-kind book and watch how God … your perfect Dance Partner begins to reveal Himself to you! I promise you’ll gain a new appreciation for the words “Go with the flow!”

Today friend, you can Strengthen Your Walk by saying yes to the One who invites you to dance!

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