Creator Confident

David JeremiahBy David Jeremiah4 Minutes

In 1958, a Gospel song flew to the top of the charts and became the #1 US pop single. It was the old African-American spiritual that said:

He’s got the whole wide world
in His hands…
He’s got the little, bitty baby
in His hands…
He’s got you and me brother
in His hands…
He’s got everybody here
in His hands…
He’s got the whole world
in His hands.

What a message for troubled times! God is as strong as ever, and I want you to know: He’s got the whole world in His hands. The state of the world might cause us to doubt whether God is in control, but our peace and happiness—and our confidence as Christians—rest in believing He is. If you don’t have confidence in the Creator of the world, you cannot have confidence in the condition of the world, and you’re left with nothing but chaos.

Christians can live with confident assurance because our Jesus is Lord of all.

He Is Creator of the World

Let’s remember the first words of the Bible, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). Without a Creator/God, there’s nothing but chaos and ultimate despair. Without a Creator/God, there’s no one in charge—there never has been and there never will be. Everything is an accident, including the existence of the universe, the condition of the world, the trajectory of history, and you and me. This is a terrible philosophy.

The psalmist said, “My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:2). We can be Creator confident because we have a Creator who is competent in all things.

It’s logical to assume the Creator is also the Controller. We can tackle life with confidence because the same God who originated the universe oversees it. In the book of Daniel we read, “The Most High rules in the kingdom of men” (4:17, 25, 32; 5:21).

God is God, and He is the Supreme Commander of Heaven and earth. Nothing comes close to the power of Him who raised Christ from the dead. His is an inevitable, indomitable, unconquerable power.

He Is Commander of the Future

The Creator of the world and Controller of the universe is also the Commander of the future. The Bible devotes thousands of its verses to reassuring us about the ultimate future. Anything that so occupies the mind and the Word of God should be of special interest to us. Start your thinking with the reality of the Second Coming of Christ, and then evaluate the times in light of His return.

That’s the best way—really, the only way—to live every day with confidence, come what may. Jesus told His followers, “Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near” (Luke 21:28).

When we have this kind of confidence in our Creator, it shows up in every zone of life. We have peace in the face of danger, faith in the face of the unknown, purpose in the face of chaos, love in the face of our enemies, and joy in the face of sorrow.

You can be confident in life. Your God is the Creator of the world, the Controller of the universe, and the Commander of the future. He’s got the whole wide world in His hands.

Excerpt provided by Turning Point Ministries, © 2022.