trust God's goodness

Can You Trust God’s Goodness

Ben CerulloBy Ben Cerullo2 Minutes

You know you’re supposed to trust God. You know God is good. But how can you have confidence in God’s goodness when your social media and TVs are full of wars, sparring politicians, rampant diseases, economies in shambles, and more?

God’s goodness is in His character, not in our circumstances. We live in a world full of sin, and its consequences are a part of our lives on earth. But look at what the psalmist David penned—after lamenting his situation:

Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You in the presence of the sons of men! You shall hide them in the secret place of Your presence (Psalm 31:19–20).

Here, David models for you how to claim God’s goodness—in all sorts of situations. Let’s walk through Psalm 31 to see how that looks.

David begins with a statement of hope in God for refuge, then he cries for God to hear and help him. He reminds himself of who God is and asks for guidance “for your name’s sake” (v. 3).

David vividly describes how distressed he is. Not only is he experiencing physical calamities, but he’s also in emotional upheaval because his enemies are gossiping about him and his demise.

As David begs for God’s favor, he again praises God for His goodness and protection. He ends with a call to us to be courageous and wait on the Lord.

How did David claim confidence in God? He committed his spirit into God’s hands (v. 5). Those words echo throughout the Bible. When you learn to trust God no matter what, your soul can be at rest.

Friend, I would encourage you to read and personalize Psalm 31. Take time to reflect on the goodness of God’s character even when life is difficult. He alone offers hope.