Thank you for your interest in partnering with Inspiration Ministries to take the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ to lost and hurting people around the world. Your help is truly appreciated — and greatly needed.
– Approximately 7.4 billion people are alive today-
– More than 5 billion people do not know Christ
– More than 2 billion people have never heard the name of Jesus even once
– Each day over 250,000 people pass into eternity, most without Christ
Our vision is to shine the light of the Gospel to every continent, in every major language group, and through every form of technology – the Internet, video-on-demand, social media, mobile platforms, satellite broadcast, and print communications.
Praise God! Through our faithful partners we continue to move toward our goal of saving 3.3 Million souls this year through the life transforming message of Jesus Christ.
388 Salvations. However, any amount will have great impact.
With the help of friends like you, the goal will be to see an additional 3.3 million precious souls receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior through the worldwide outreach of Inspiration Ministries in 2021. But we can’t do it alone. We need the prayers and support of people like you in order to fulfill the call God has given us.
Please click the button below and give your gift of love.