The Mum Show on Inspiration TV

The Mum Show on Inspiration TV

Dr. Craig von BuseckBy Dr. Craig von Buseck5 Minutes

Craig von Buseck: Tell me the history of “The Mum Show.” Where did the idea come from? How did you get started?

Marina Magdalena: The idea came a couple years ago. My children were four and two at the time. I was enjoying being a mother – I thought it was absolutely fantastic. But I did notice that some of the values that I wanted to be putting in place, and the ways that I wanted to nurture my children, and the idea I had of what I would be like as a mom was perhaps not how I felt I was! I thought there was so much I wanted to learn and things I wanted to achieve. But I didn’t necessarily have all the tools, the knowledge, and the wisdom around me to know how best to achieve them.

So I started to read a lot to understand a mixture between God’s word and what we know about child development, what we know about relationships, what we understand about brain development, how I felt the Holy Spirit was guiding me. I got really excited about the parenting journey and the impact my studying was having on my own children and how I felt about myself as a mother.

I came to accept my good days as well as my tricky days. There seemed like there was now more hope in my parenting and in my family. So we decided this was a lot of fun and there were probably a lot of parents out there that could do with some gathered, wholesome Christian wisdom.

So I gathered my friends to help. Emma, who is on the show with us, is a child psychotherapist. She is one of those people who I could sit with in her kitchen and say, “What do I do? Help me! How am I going to handle this?”  It was just really simple things that would throw me, and perhaps I would struggle to understand where my children’s minds were at different stages of development. She was really good in that.

Then I gathered another friend who is a pastor, and she has older children than me. I would go to her and say, “what can I expect from this?” or “how did you handle that?” And from those conversations came “The Mum Show.”

CVB: Now tell me about your growing up years? Were there challenges in your childhood years that you had to confront once you became a parent? Or were there just new challenges that you hadn’t anticipated?

Marina: I had a really peachy upbringing. My parents were saved about a year before I was born. They didn’t come from a Christian upbringing. My Dad’s upbringing had challenges. So they were very new to Christian parenting, which they find very funny to look back on because we always remind them of things.

CVB: Oh yeah, my 20-something kids remind me, too.

Marina: My mom always says, “We were new Christians. We didn’t have the confidence to make those decisions. But it was a really nice upbringing and I had three sisters. We were all good friends. My two older sisters had children about a year before me and they had their way of doing things. They appeared to me to be really confident. So when I had my children I think I just assumed I would just inherit this amazing ability to mother.

Then there were little things that I didn’t know or expect. I have a natural curiosity in life, so if I’m going to do something I want to get passionate about it. Having children, for most people, is one of the biggest things we ever do. It was something I wanted to be passionate about, but to help other people as well. This is wisdom that has been gathered and passed on. None of us is an expert, and I find it is encouraging to have some solidarity in that.