What You Value

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

People in the audience responded with audible gasps. Having gathered for the bidding for “Salvator Mundi,” they watched with amazement. Some previously questioned the origins of this painting, but there had been sufficient evidence that this was the work of Italian master, Leonardo da Vinci.

The bidding began quickly, climbing until it reached $225 million. At this point, the pace slowed. The process became somewhat of a contest among a handful of contestants.

Finally, after 19 dramatic minutes, the bidding closed. The painting had been sold for $450.3 million, more than double the previous world record. The buyer remained anonymous.

Some critics agreed that the price was worthwhile because of the uniqueness of this painting, yet many were stunned by the astonishing price. This demonstrated the incredible value some put on art.

These bidders demonstrated what was important to them. In our own ways, each of us demonstrates what we consider valuable by how we spend our resources, what clothes we wear, what cars we drive, where we live, and what products we buy.

Jesus described these choices in a parable about a merchant who found a rare pearl. It was so important to him that he “sold all that he had and bought it.” Jesus described this as the kind of dedication we should show toward God’s Kingdom. Serving Him should be so important to us that we are willing to lay everything else aside. It should become the focus of our lives.

We should realize that, as we serve Him, God promises to provide everything we need. He promises blessings and fulfillment, joy and peace, guidance and protection, and eternal life.

Today, remember that you demonstrate what is valuable to you by what you do with your resources. Place your focus on God’s Kingdom. Seek Him. Serve Him.