Waiting Patiently

Waiting Patiently

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

God made promises to Abraham. He never forgot those promises. Even when it did not appear to Abraham that anything was happening, God was in the process of bringing them to fulfillment.

Yet Abraham must have had doubts and wondered if God had forgotten about him or changed His mind. He even succumbed to pressure when he had a son through Hagar. But he continued to have to wait. Because he waited patiently, he obtained what God had promised.

The Bible reminds us that waiting is an important part of experiencing God’s fulfillment. And if, like Abraham, we are called to wait, we are to wait patiently.

It can be easy to forget that God is sovereign. He has a different sense of time than we do. His timing is always perfect, and He had many factors in mind when He laid out His plans.

Ultimately, He wants us to be faithful and trust Him. We need to be persistent and unfaltering, even when nothing appears to be happening. When we wait patiently, God sees that we believe and trust Him.

Today, remember that God answers prayers and keeps His promises. He wants you to be persistent in prayer and continue to seek Him for the things you need. Also remember to wait on Him and have faith in every situation. While you wait patiently, worship and praise Him. He is faithful.