June 27, 2024

Victory Blocks

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“As for the Jebusites, the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the children of Judah could not drive them out.”—Joshua 15:63 NKJV

Many people don’t realize, or believe, that God desires to bless them, give them victory, and provide health and healing. They may have heard His promises, but for whatever reason, simply don’t believe they could be true for them. Filled with doubt, many fail to obey His Word or follow the plans that were prepared for them.

Here, for example, God called His people to move forward in faith, drive out the people who dwelled in the land, and realize that He already had given the land to them. But they simply could not drive out these people. Why? They accepted defeat and could not accept that His promises were true for them. They accepted less than His blessings for them.

In similar ways, many Christians may believe in God, attend church, read the Bible, pray, and have heard about God’s promises. Yet many people do not seem to be able to achieve victory. Faced with the absence of victory, we can be tempted to compromise or accept less than God has prepared for us.

Remember that there are many reasons to doubt. People around you may be ready to deceive and mislead you or cause you to feel defeated or discouraged. Ask God to help you recognize deception. But always trust Him. Always believe in Him for success. Always believe His Word is true for you.

Reflection Question: In what area of your life are you seeking God for victory?

Father, I believe Your promises are true for me. Help me go forward in faith confidently. Thank You for giving me victory. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Joshua 15

Father, I believe Your promises are true for me. Help me go forward in faith confidently. Thank You for giving me victory. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Joshua 15