Useless Arguments

Useless Arguments

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Their enemies didn’t understand them. But neither did their friends. These were the klephts, Greek warriors described as half-bandits, half-rebels. They caused frustration for many opponents, including Alexander the Great when his armies invaded Asia Minor in 334 BC.

What distinguished these warriors? They were a nuisance. Their goal was to confuse and distract their enemies through actions that seemed to make no sense.

Their unique fighting style often was met with ridicule. But many adversaries did not realize that klephts did not necessarily fight to win but often just to delay a decision. Seeking to provoke with taunts and insults, they often just ran when the enemy became close.

Many people today are like these klephts. They love to irritate and stir up trouble. They delight in spreading rumors and causing confusion. They disrupt the lives of others.

Paul warned Timothy that some Christians have this tendency. They tend to argue, to fight endlessly over words. But Paul knew that there was a time to take a stand and that some disagreements are healthy.

We sometimes become involved in disputes with no substantive purpose. Paul said, “such arguments are useless.” In fact, they even “can ruin those who hear them.” These kinds of arguments can split churches, divide friends, and even separate marriages.

Today, ask God to give you discernment into these tendencies. Don’t be devoted to useless arguments. Show love. Build unity. Strengthen the body of Christ.