Three Relationships

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Israel experienced a time of great difficulties, brought on by a deficiency in three vital relationships—relationships that are critical for a healthy, balanced life: (1) a personal relationship with God Himself, (2) relationships with people who genuinely know God, (3) a relationship with God’s timeless Word. These relationships are crucial for us as well.

First, we must realize that everything begins with God. If we want His blessings, we must know Him and have a personal relationship with Him. There is no substitute. We can’t work hard enough. We can’t read enough books. We can’t improve enough or fill our minds with enough information. Only God can give us real purpose and fulfillment. Only He can provide balance and the proper perspective on life.

Second, balanced living requires relationships with dedicated men and women of God—mature Believers with discernment and spiritual sensitivity…people who can teach us God’s Word…friends we can share our burdens with…leaders who can help us learn to hear from God. In a world filled with deceit and deception, we need these relationships. They are not optional.

Third, we must remain in relationship to God’s Word. We must immerse ourselves in the Bible, for the Word is true, unaffected by changing fads or world events. It’s true in every generation, in every situation. The Word provides unchanging standards by which we can live, and a reference point for all that we hear.

Today, make sure that you have all three of these relationships: a strong, personal relationship with God; a connection with godly men and women who can help you grow spiritually, avoid temptation, and stay on the right path; and an intimate knowledge of God’s Word.