The Voice of the Lord

The Voice of the Lord

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

The Bible describes moments when God spoke to His people. But many wonder if He speaks to people today. For some, the idea of hearing from God seems like a fantasy, like fiction or even a delusion.

David had no doubts that God spoke to His people. In fact, he had experienced God’s voice in several ways. He described His voice as “powerful” and “majestic” (v. 4). His voice “shakes the wilderness” and “strips the forests bare” (v. 9). When God speaks, the impact can change physical objects. But His voice also can foster intimate moments.

The experience of hearing God’s voice can be life changing. As David described, those in His temple say “Glory” (v. 9). They are overwhelmed and filled with praise.

The Bible reminds us that God speaks in many ways. He speaks through His written Word. He can speak through pastors, counselors, and others who are sensitive to His leading.

God speaks through His Spirit (John 16:13). He can speak in loud, earth-shattering ways, but, as Elijah discovered, also in “a still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12)

God desires to have a personal relationship with you. He is not a cold, distant deity; He is alive and real. Talk with Him. Share your deepest needs and concerns with Him. But don’t just talk. Take time to listen. Be sensitive to His leading. He might speak in a still, small voice.