The One True God

The One True God

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Ignoring God’s warnings, the Israelites became attracted to the customs of the people around them. The Israelites seemed intrigued by everything that these neighbors did. They could not resist learning about and exploring every god that they worshiped. They did not just follow one god but at least three different gods.

Before Israel entered the Promised Land, God warned them that these people worshiped gods that could lead them into trouble. They easily could be seduced into worshiping these gods and adopting counterfeit beliefs and customs. But Israel failed to heed this warning and fell into traps that led them astray.

What a warning this is to us! We, too, face many kinds of gods – false religions, worldly philosophies, pleasures, and distractions. We face beliefs that sound attractive but ultimately will lead us away from God. Attractive lifestyles may ultimately corrupt us.

We, too, can be trapped by these gods. And they can be a snare to us. We need to renew our dedication to the one true God and make Jesus our Lord, for He is “the way, and the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). No matter how attractive the gods of the world may sound, there is no other way. And no one comes to the Father except through Him.

Dedicate your life to the truth. Fill your mind with God’s Word. Be on guard against temptations. And don’t allow false gods to distract you.