The Impact of a Committed Mother

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

Moses became the deliverer of God’s chosen people. But his important role wouldn’t have been possible if it hadn’t been for the courage and commitment of his mother. She risked her own life, determined to protect her son, even though Pharaoh had ordered every newborn boy to be drowned.

This woman is typical of so many mothers throughout history—women who brought their children into the world, then bathed, nurtured, and cared for them while they were helpless infants…women who sacrificed so their children could have food and clothing…women who worked two jobs so their children could be educated.

Many men and women have recognized how much they owe to their mothers. Yet, sadly, many others have neglected to have an attitude of thankfulness and gratitude. How many mothers have been taken for granted!

Today is a day to honor our mothers and show them our gratitude. This also is a day for husbands to extend gratitude to their wives.

Ask God to bless your mother (and/or your wife). If you are a husband, realize all that your wife means to you, and show her your thanks and appreciation.

If your mother is still alive, let her know how much you appreciate all she’s done for you. Be grateful and thankful. Pray for her, and don’t take her for granted!