September 28, 2023

The Door to Freedom

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy.”—Proverbs 28:13 NLT

God does not want us to be shackled by sins or prisoners to our mistakes. He wants us to be free—free of worries, free of the burdens that weigh on our hearts and minds.

But to be free, we must be honest with God, admitting our mistakes rather than ignoring or trying to hide them. We must acknowledge and confess sin, realizing that confession opens the door to forgiveness and blessings.

When we approach God in prayer, we need to remember that He sees what we do. He knows our hearts and minds. He knows the words we speak, every thought, and everything we have done. We may be able to hide from others, but we cannot hide from Him.

We can choose to ignore or cover up our sins, hoping God does not know about them. We can pretend they never happened. Or we can confess them to Him.

Confession is essential if we want to be clean. Proverbs warns that if we try to cover up our sins, we cannot prosper. Sin separates us from God, pollutes our lives, and blocks the flow of His Spirit. However, we receive forgiveness and mercy when we confess our sins and forsake them. We enter the path to freedom.

Ask God to reveal any sins in your life. Do not try to cover them up, but be honest with Him. Confess. Then rejoice in His forgiveness and freedom!

Reflection Question: Are you always honest with God in your heart?

Father, search my heart. Reveal any sin in my life. Help me to be honest with You and not cover up my sins. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Proverbs 28

Father, search my heart. Reveal any sin in my life. Help me to be honest with You and not cover up my sins. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Proverbs 28