March 12, 2024

Spiritually in Tune

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

One of his servants said, “No, my lord, the king; but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom.”—2 Kings 6:12 NASB

When his nation was at war with Israel, the king of Aram was determined to find a strategy that would bring victory. He knew that to be victorious, he needed to make confidential plans, so his armies could have the maximum surprise and impact.

Meeting privately with his servants, he decided to establish his camp in a particular location. But when Aram arrived, the Israelite army already was there. The king was furious and demanded that his servants explain what had happened. Israel’s reaction was so precise that he felt one of his servants must have been a spy.

But one servant knew the real reason: Israel had Elisha, a prophet who was in tune with God’s Spirit. He knew the words the Aramean king spoke even in private. In fact, as soon as the king decided, Elisha “sent word to the king of Israel,” telling him what would happen (v. 9).

The king of Aram learned important lessons. God is not limited by space or time. He knows every secret and every private thought. And He can reveal these secrets to His servants.

Today, remember that God knows your heart and mind and the things you do in secret. But He also knows the secret plans of governments and armies, politicians, and businesses. He knows what will happen today and tomorrow. You can call on Him for the wisdom you need.

Reflection Question: What secret are you harboring even from God?

Father, here are the decisions I need to make: ______. I seek Your wisdom and discernment. Help me be in tune with Your Spirit. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
2 Kings 6

Father, here are the decisions I need to make: ______. I seek Your wisdom and discernment. Help me be in tune with Your Spirit. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
2 Kings 6