Singing to the Lord

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

In many ways, slaves in 18th century America seemed to live a hopeless existence. Yet many had discovered how to have hope. Through faith in Christ.

Rev. John Davies, who had a ministry among slaves, was amazed by the spiritual maturity and hunger many demonstrated. He described how “whenever they could get an hour’s leisure” many of these slaves hurried to spend time reading. They were most eager to read “the Psalms and Hymns,” since they particularly loved the message.

He recalled seeing many slaves in his kitchen at any hour of the night. “Sometimes when I have awakened at two or three in the morning, a torrent of sacred psalmody has poured into my chamber.” Some even spent whole nights singing and praising God. They just couldn’t stop their praises.

The owner of a factory in 1843 had the same reaction. “What is remarkable, their tunes are all psalm tunes and the words are from hymn books; their taste is exclusively for sacred music; they will sing nothing else.” And most of these slaves were actively involved in a local church.

This passion for psalms and singing characterized many slaves. They may have faced physical bondage, but nothing could keep them from praising God. They simply could not contain the joy they found in Christ, and their love for God’s Word.

If these slaves could sing with such enthusiasm, why can’t you?

Today, no matter what you are going through, you can sing unto the Lord. He has given you psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to help remind you of His faithfulness, to give you joy. No matter your level of musical talent, sing and make melody in your heart to Him!