Sight to the Blind

Sight to the Blind

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

When Louis Braille was only three years old, he became blind, the result of an accident in his father’s harness shop. For many people this would have felt like a crippling problem.

But Braille, who was born near Paris, France, on this day in 1809, was determined not to be limited by this condition. After attending the National Institute for Blind Children in Paris, he became a teacher there. He also became an accomplished organist and cellist.

In 1821, he met a soldier named Charles Barbier who explained a code system he had invented called “night writing.” This allowed soldiers to communicate using combinations of 12 raised dots. Braille was intrigued by this idea.

Seizing on its potential, he developed an even simpler system using only six dots. This system became known as “braille” (in his honor). In 1827, the first book using this new technique was published. This revolutionized life for the blind. Today, blindness remains a serious problem; millions around the world are not able to see anything. But even those who are completely blind are able to read, thanks to Braille’s innovations.

However, even more people suffer from a more damaging problem: spiritual blindness. They are blind to the truths of God’s Word. Sadly, these people do not realize that, in spiritual terms, they cannot “see.”

Pray that God would open the eyes of those who are spiritually blind. And dedicate yourself and your resources that the Gospel would reach the lost, and that millions more might see the light